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发布 : 05-17
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May 16 , 2024雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明分享雅思考试小作文真题范文。每一篇范文都经由专业团队反复校对,最终外教审查定稿。成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。[2024/ 5/ 11] The table below shows the percentage of main types of dwelling in Victoria, the Northern Territory and Tasmania.【主体段分段】:按照住房类型分段:Body 1:House、Flat/ ApartmentBody 2:Semi-attached house、 other【开头段】The table illustrates changes in the figures for three kinds of residence in three regions of Australia in 2001 and 2006.【概述段】It isclear thatin all the three regions, people preferred to dwell in houses more than other types of housing.Also,The Northern Territory was the only state where more people resided in other types of accommodation.思路要点:- 三个地方两年内house的占比都最高- 只有 the Northern Territory中住在other的人>其他住宅的人【Body 1】In both years, houses enjoyed the greatest popularity.This is especially true forTasmania,wheresuch type of housingaccounted forroughly 88% in the initial year,rising slightly by1% in 2006. The proportions of people residing in houses in Victoria and The Northern Territoryexperienced downward trends, withthe figure in the latter regionfalling significantlyfrom 65% to 53%.However,the figures for flats showed a different pattern.Althoughthere was a marginal climbto at least 10% in Victoria and The Northern Territory,a gentle decline by 1% could be found inTasmania.思路要点:House + Flat/ Apartment1. House:(1) . 三个地区House占比都最高,尤其是Tasmania→小幅度上升(88%→上升了1%)(2) . 但是在Victoria和The Northern Territory下降,其中The Northern Territory明显下降(65%到53%)2. Flat/ Apartment:呈现不同规律(1) . 2001年Victoria和The Northern Territory→小幅度上升到至少10%. 但Tasmania→小幅度下降了1%【Body 2】We can see thatSemi-attached House was the least favored choice in Tasmania and its figuregrew marginally to4% in 2006.However,the preference of this kind of residenceranked the second placein the other two states,with the figures rising modestlyin 2006.It is also clear thatother types of housing were chosen by 14% of the residents in The Northern Territory in 2001, and this figureunderwent an insignificant drop to11% after 5 years.By contrast,only no more than 2% of the surveyed people decided to dwell in other residence in the other two regions— the figure in Victoriadoubled,whilethat in Tasmaniaexperienced a slight decrease.思路要点:Semi-attached house + other1. Semi-attached house:在Tasmania最小(小幅上升到4%),但是其他两个地区都排名第二位且小幅度上升2. Other(1) . 两年中,在The Northern Territory占比略高,从14%下降到11%(2) . 但是Victoria和Tasmania占比都不超过2%(Victoria→2倍;Tasmania→小幅度下降)2024新航道暑假班选课指南雅思 托福 A-Level AP OSSD SAT GRE GMAT四六级 考研英语 成人英语 多邻国 PTE留学预备 国际学校备考 留学申请 背景提升不同冲分系列课程&不同班型课程立即扫码咨询吧暑假班优惠提前享